jeudi 1 mars 2007

Team #1

A vos marques, prêts, partez !

Team #1 :

M.A.L : Our own “Miss Saigon” is the baby of the two teams. Her love of diving has taken her all over the world, and to depths where few dare to venture. She will be an asset to Team 1, being of Vietnamese descent, and therefore the only one with any hope of blending in with the locals during the race. The question is: Will she dive the Mekong Delta???

V.P.: An eternal traveler, Vincent lives out of his suitcase. His first challenge on this trip will be to survive without his usual electronic travel gadgetry. A frequent visitor to South-East Asia, he knows his way around well. River-guiding around the floating market­-no problem. But will he be able to drive a tuk-tuk through the crazy streets of Bangkok?

For those who wants to know more about this race, visit the website:

You can also write some comments by clicking on the "Commentaires" link below:

8 commentaires:

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Hey Team #1,
Someone here on this side of the globe (the more frigid side...-40 with the windchill factor!!!)is cheering you all on! Have a blast and enjoy every moment! Bonne chance!


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C'est parti les amis!!!
Good luck to both canadian teams!
Hope the race will be as exciting as the departure to Asia!!!


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Team # 1
V.P. Get a kilt, that way you don't have to worry about the underwear. Or you can always borrow M.'s thong.

Team # 2
P. seems to be having a good time she always has a smile on her face, but I think she is a little jaundiced. Better look into that.

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Go go go...
Continuer vos époustouflantes aventures et que le meilleur gagne!
On pense à vous tous, profitez de tout!
Team 2: don't let Team 1 win too often...they'll think they are so good...!


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Congratulations! How cool Canada coming in 1 and 2 on the first leg of the race. Go....go...go keep the momentum going. Bonne chance!


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Congratulations!!! How cool Canada coming in 1 & 2 on the first leg of the race. Go....go....go... Bonne chance!


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Ne lâchez-pas les amis...surtout pas votre mascotte, elle semble vous porter bien chance.
"O Canada...terre de nos...."


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Congratulations Team 2! Both teams are pretty 'amazing'.
Good luck to all of you.