Rob and Phyllis (Tortoise and then "Hair") finished first for the Cambodia leg of the race and are in the lead!
Yesterday were the Angkor Wat challenges. This was not a timed day (meaning we had 2 full days to complete all the challenges). We woke up at 4h45 to go for sunrise at Angkor Wat temple: it was magnificent. Then, a full day of challenges was waiting for us. We started at 6h00 am with a temperature of 30c, finding clues around Angor Wat main temple. We had to take pictures of the worse dressed tourist, us part of another tour group, us with 3 monkeys, etc... We hired a private taxi who spent the whole day with us for 25$, driving us from temples to temples.
We visited 6 different temples, doing more challenges: how many lions head in that temple? find Brahma on a goose on the West wall, find the mine amputees orchestra and play one of their instrument, etc... It was really fun, but at 13h00, the outside temperature reached at least 43c! We stopped for lunch, and continue our day for "Bonus points" to the "Mine Museum" where we had to find the name of the owner's children, find when he built that museum, etc... We finished our day 12 hrs later at 16h30, exhausted. Another "bonus"challenge was waiting for us the next day....
Today was a rest day: we shopped in Siem Reap, got foot massage but here was the other "Bonus": donate blood for the children hospital. Since I always get vasovagal and since Mai-Anh was not feeling well, we had to skip that challenge, but we did not loose any points. Only Rob and Phyllis (and a few other teams) did it.
Good for them since tonite, we had the results for the Cambodia part: Rob and Phyllis arrived in first place! They had taken their "Wild card "yesterday, so their points got doubled: which means they are now in the lead !!! Princess and the P (us) are now in 5th place...dont worry, the princess knows many tricks!
Tomorrow, we are going to Thailand and we know it is going to be a "physical day"but no other clues so far...
I forgot: we went to Le Meridien for Afternoon tea today. Their version of Cambodian scones looked like little penises...very interesting !
C'est a suivre.....
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